For years, Master Hsin Tao has strived in the propagation of Dharma and Chan practice.
His efforts in peace promotion, interreligious dialogues, global harmony,
and environmental sustainability have been acknowledged and appreciated internationally.
The following awards were granted:
Pt. Motilal Nehru National Award for Peace, Tolerance,
and Harmony given by the Inter-Faith Harmony Foundation, India, 2005
Outstanding Contribution to the Propagation of Buddhism Award
(Aggamahāsaddhammajotikadhaja) , 2006, Myanmar
Excellence in Teaching Meditation Award (Mahākammaṭṭhānācariya), 2010, Myanmar
The Highest Meditation Achievement Award (Aggamahākammaṭṭhānācariya), 2014, Myanmar
Selected as the Interfaith Visionary by the Temple of Understanding, the US, 2010
Benefactor of Buddhism Award, Thailand, 2013
Excellent Spiritual Leader Award, given by World Fellowship of Buddhists, 2015
Now, Master Hsin Tao envisions the expansion of the MWR's motto (respect, tolerance, and love) with the project of the University for Life and Peace. It is an educational institute dedicating to sustainability and training prospective professionals in related fields. They are the seedlings in promoting peace. "Interdependent diversity and interconnectedness" is the environmental ethics of this institute. Along with technology, this will be like a clinic or a research center that works on mitigating global crises and resource depletion. Furthermore, the university will train students with a spiritual world view endowed with love and peace. They are the future hope in promoting "Love Earth, Love Peace".
Throughout the preparation for the MWR, Master Hsin Tao actively engaged in exchanges, listening, dialogues, and collaborations. That way, mutual understanding, learning, and trust are solidified among faiths. Master Hsin Tao traveled worldwide to participate in religious inclusivity. Since 1999, he has been a regular guest at the Parliament of the World's Religions (PoWR). Master Hsin Tao also presented at the UN Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders in 2000. Starting from 2002, he has been initiating Islamic-Buddhist dialogues worldwide. The tender quality of Buddhadharma would be an excellent force in promoting religious harmony. Until today, sixteen Islamic-Buddhist dialogues had been held worldwide.
"Love and Peace" has always been the core subject for Master Hsin Tao.Through Chan practice, he realized that "spirituality" is present in all beings and all lives are interdependent. Master Hsin Tao believes that religion assumes the responsibility and functionality in promoting peace and humanity.
Dialogues among different faiths are encouraged. Differences can be accepted and a common belief can be established.Together, we depend on one another and thrive as oneness. "Love and Compassion" is the universal trait of all faiths that connects everyone.
Peace is then attainable. In 1991, Master Hsin Tao began the planning of the Museum of World Religions (MWR). The vision of this museum is a platform for interfaith exchange and peace promotion. "Respect for all faiths. Tolerance for all ethnicities. Love for all life .
" This is the message he delivers to the world. With the accumulated support and aspiration from many sponsors and students, the MWR opened on November 9th, 2001. Leaders and representatives across different religions worldwide came to this remarkable and pivoting event.
At the age of twenty-five, Master Hsin Tao was ordained at Fo Guang Monastery by
the Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The next year, he inquired Master Hsing Yun to go on a solitude
retreat with the yearning to realize the truth of living and dying. With permission, he left the monastery
for a solitude retreat that lasted for over a decade. From the ascetic practice, Master Hsin Tao contemplated
the impermanence, suffering, and emptiness of life. He realized the universal quality (primordial awareness)
and the shared root of all beings. "Interdependent diversity" and "interconnectedness" are the working of life.
The key to the ultimate peace is a peaceful mind.
In 1984, Master Hsin Tao founded the Wu Sheng Monastery of Ling Jiou Mountain in Fulong, Taiwan.
He has been disseminating Dharma with the spirit and essence of "Compassion & Chan" since.
By "Love Earth, Love Peace", Master Hsin Tao strives in all kinds of activities of peace.
Born in 1948 in Lashio, Myanmar, Master Hsin Tao lost his parents at the age of four. Deprived and helpless, the young boy experienced an unimaginable hardship. At the age of nine in 1957, he joined guerrilla warfare. Amidst a wartorn homeland and orphaned childhood, Master Hsin Tao witnessed the brutality of war and life. The hope for peace flared in his mind. When he was thirteen years old, the young teen arrived in Taiwan with a troop of the Nationalist Government. By the time Master Hsin Tao was fifteen, he was very touched and inspired upon hearing the name of Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara). After learning about the compassionate conduct of liberating sentient beings from suffering, by all means, Master Hsin Tao aspired to emulate Guan Yin by pursuing the path of enlightenment for the welfare of beings.