Time goes by real fast and impermanence is everywhere. Only through Dharma practice could we know how to live our lives to the fullest value.
In times like these, it is important to make positive connections with sentient beings and restore our inner peace. It is only when our minds are at peace then the world will be at peace.
There is a distinctive practice included in the sutra, which is the recitation of the 42-syllable Mantra of Avatamsaka.
As we live this life, none of us could be pardoned from the suffering of birth, aging, illness, and death. How should we prepare for the last moment of death? At that time, we must be ready to relax, let go, and most importantly, be grateful.
“Is Amitabha real?” “Where is Sukhavati?” These are the common questions and doubts of many people. Then, what are the answers?
For the past three decades, LJM holds Triyana as our essence because it is Buddhayana, the one path that aims for Buddhahood. It is important to be inclusive of Triyana teachings.