The Four-stage Training aims to inspire bodhicitta,
affirm bodhicitta, and dedicate oneself to work for the benefits of others.
Acquire the pervasive wisdom and we’ve reached the Pure Land.
The senior students of the NEPL led and encouraged the new participants to embrace Dharma by starting with the six fundamental principles.
From January 27-31, 2021, the Nagarjuna Education for Peace and Life held a program for youths. The organization takes the name "Nargajuna" in hopes of adhering to the wisdom of Bodhisattva Nagarjuna.
Avatamsaka Stage (state of enlightenment) – interdependent diversity, attaining fruition of Buddhahood
Saddharma-Pundarika Stage (aspiration) – engendering bodhicitta, benefitting oneself and others
Prajna Stage (shamatha & vipashyana): mind in clarity, realizing Buddha nature, untainted wisdom
The PoWR has brought together the power of all the different religions.