2023 Nov 6th & 7th, we are here in Abu Dhabi to participate in a pre-COP 28 Event, Global Faith Leaders’ Summit.
Just like the organizers’ appeal, we hope through collective wisdom influence and guidance from spirituality, we strengthen people’s understanding of impact brought about to the world from climate change.
Dear religious leaders and friends, I wish you all auspicious and in peace!
I appreciate that this Conference listens to different voices, connects the wisdom of all walks of life, and sees the power of faith. Take this opportunity, I like to praise UAE for its efforts and results in reaching the goals of net-zero carbon emissions, clean energy, and caring for the earth.
The common link between religions is spirituality. We are here, with the common will and move, to discuss the current ecological crisis and how to make the ecology sustainable. That is, spiritual ecology, Because "spirituality is ecology, and ecology is spirituality."
How can we say that spirituality is embedded in ecology? We can see the spirituality of all things in their lives. The spirituality of all things is originated from seeds, and the seeds of life are memories. Because of the memory, seeds are sowed in spring, growing up in summer, harvested in autumn, and stored in winter. They can grow into their shapes through the changes of the four seasons. Seeds can feed all life.
Nowadays, the four seasons are in chaotic, floods, fires, wind disasters, and earthquakes occur frequently. These are all due to human beings' large carbon emissions, willful consumption, and even using war to bake the earth and destroying the earth with nuclear bombs. The earth's climate will only become more and more extreme. Due to the extraction of oil, the icebergs in the Arctic and Antarctic cannot solidify, because oil is the element that solidifies snow. Once the oil is largely pumped out, the elements that support the solidification of snow mountains will be gone, causing icebergs to avalanche, and the four seasons will be confused and no longer clear.
If spring, summer, autumn and winter are disrupted, seeds will not be able to remember to grow, species will not be able to grow and reproduce, and will be extinct eventually, humans will be extinct as well. When we destroy the ecological living conditions, we actually cut off our own food. This is like committing suicide!
In the past, we did not know the value of attaching importance to ecology. Now, we must awaken spiritually and realize the relationship between humans and ecology. It is a community of life that coexists with diversity, depends on each other, and helps each other. Therefore, we have the responsibility to protect ecology and know the true value of ecology. We will naturally "respect the value of species existence, tolerate each other's living space, and jointly create a shared world."
Now, the University for Life and Peace I am preparing in Myanmar is mainly to educate about ecological recycling systems and ecological sustainability, so that everyone can understand that we are a partnership with ecology. The goals of the University are to promote spiritual ecology to different fields, and cultivate future ecology protectors.
Dear religious leaders, we are responsible to connect the spirituality within each one of us, to give this love to the ecology, unite religious spirituality, use this resonance to protect the sustainability of the ecology.
Thank you!