Buddhadharma is an interdependent diversity. What does it mean by “diverse”? It is the grace of Avatamsaka, which is multifaceted, interdependent, and inter-connected. No being can sustain by itself. It is a living system which one relies on another. We are the field of merit and reliance of one another. Allow ourselves to be the fortunate connection of others. That way, our lives are joined with perfection. The connecting points are a memory. Through all kinds of dedication and serving, we are sowing for an abundant harvest of positivity in others’ memories. The cycle of virtue is initiated with the interaction of wisdom.
If we do not walk into the crowd and work with them, the increase of our wis-dom is limited. The more people we face, the more differences we must work with. Then, we’d get to see the possible variations. Then what? With the wisdom arising from contemplative analysis, we learn perfection without obstacles.
We face different people, personalities, and ideas. But if we have the shared benefits, responsibilities – there would be no conflicts when we are together. Otherwise, people would be doing their own things, only minding their own business. There’d be division among ethnicity, religion, etc. If we prioritize the shared benefits of this planet, everyone would work together. When one is always stressing, “My religion…”, “Your religion…”, split happens. It's best for all if we approach our shared benefits. By insisting on personal opinion, there'd be lots of arguments.
In this world, the only thing we should see is the beneficence of all beings. All we need to do is to dedicate, care, give, be compassionate, have equanimity, and to serve. Wherever we'd be, we are there to dedicate. Serving is an excellent dedication. While serving, there should be a willingness without regrets. As it becomes a habit, there's no obscuration of mind and there's no fear when we work with differences and diversity. Furthermore, to generate a boundless compassion.
Buddhism teaches us to dedicate our life for all beings. Naturally, the merits will return to us from other beings. That’s why it’s called the “entity of interdepend-ence” – life depending on one another to thrive. An entity of no without differ-ences.