- Part of "The Spiritual Ecology" Series, authored by Master Hsin Tao
The horror of war terrifies people and a deliverable prescription for lasting peace precludes that no confrontations erupt and escalate and that it becomes common sense that life is about sharing and ours is a global symbiosis of diversity. What a bliss it would be for man and nature if such notions prevailed.
War destroys communities and causes deaths and casualties besides collateral damages. Nuclear war inflicts hundreds/thousands of times that much destruction of a cosmic magnitude and can wipe out ecology as we know it. A wildfire out of control is bad enough, the explosion of a nuclear warhead can cripple our ozone beyond repair. To curb global warming is to put an end to war and to keep our planet from extinction is to neutralize all nuclear weaponry. Earth is the one planet we call home and to keep it safe and intact, we must make sure that no confrontations nor any separatism, let alone any nukes, ever come close to jeopardizing its safety.
On the other hand, we hope that the religious community will work hand in hand to put an end to war and, in particular, to approach nullifying nuclear war more proactively. Traditional warfare is already barely manageable, while the magnitude of a nuclear bombing will most certainly cause the irrevocable outcome that signals mankind's ultimate mass destruction and the demise of life as we know it.
For sustainability's sake, and the safety of all other fellow partners in our ecological symbiosis as well, we must exercise to the utmost of religion's capabilities to contribute to stopping nuclear war from happening and terminating any nuclear tests as our prioritized mission for the religious community.
All forms of existence are at the heart of spirituality and partnership is the only kind of relationship. No individuals, communities, or countries can exist on their own, and what prevails is neither confrontation nor exploitation, but the act and interaction of giving. “Giving” actually constitutes the biggest idea for world peace. What better way of interaction than mutual respect for one another's very existence, the inclusion of one another's space, and the act of sharing?