- Part of "The Spiritual Ecology" Series, authored by Master Hsin Tao
Spirituality is Love as well because there is no spirituality without it. Love applies to everyone and everything, it is all-encompassing in other words. Our endeavors in protecting ecology yield a lot more efficiency in the presence of Love.
Spirituality resides in plants and animals as well, as long as we understand how to let Love arise within us. The value of spirituality lies in knowing how Love comes about naturally. To be capable of Love for people and things alike marks a characteristic of spirituality.
People grow apart in the absence of Love. They do not know how to interact, or how to conduct themselves, and become detached from the world. It is justifiable to doubt that a world without Love can ever be a happy one. We have thus initiated circular interactions with other faiths in the hope that selfless religious Love impacts the world positively to become more harmonious and peaceful. And, ultimately, that Love will help make the world an even better one.