When we return to the origin of spirituality to immerse in the power of an all-knowing awareness, we will tangibly perceive the Earth as a living community.
The origin of all lives stems from the innate spirituality that intersperses all lives for interconnections that link all together and hardly ever break down.
In my early childhood, I unfortunately had to witness war and the suffering people had to endure. Oftentimes I reflected on the reasons war breaks out, and always ended up yearning for lasting peace.
Within the time-honored wisdom passed down through generations of aboriginal peoples, a wealth of invaluable civilizational laws are preserved, representing precious assets of human civilization.
Cross-disciplinary domain research findings have time and again asserted that the cyclic development of civilizations on Earth almost certainly pre-dated the oldest of our time by more than tens of millennia, or even longer still.
The Five Poisons - Greed, Hatred, Ignorance, Arrogance, and Doubt - that preoccupy most people are the root cause for all our sufferings besides giving rise to ecological crises.